Find Your Rug

Search below for area rugs, throw rugs, and runner rugs of all styles!


Moroccan Rugs

Our Moroccan rugs are made from incredibly soft material, and are sure to keep your home looking and feeling as comfortable as possible. Whether you are looking for a more contemporary rug style, or a rustic vibe, you’ll be sure to find something you like here.

Shop Moroccan Rugs

Wool Rugs

Choose from a variety of wool rugs ranging in style from antique to modern. Our durable area and runner rugs are made from natural fibers, and will keep your home warm, stylish, and inviting through all seasons. Click above to browse our catalog.

Shop Wool Rugs

Sisal Rugs

From hemp rugs to jute rugs, our sisal collection features products woven from all natural plant fibers. These oriental rugs prove to be durable, unique, and inviting, providing just the right amount of accent for your home décor. Click above to explore your range of options.

Shop Sisal Rugs

Discover Exclusive Oriental Rugs Today

Explore our collection of antique, modern, and contemporary rugs by clicking below

Find Your Rug Today!


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Choose the Rugs You Like

Browse through our collection of exclusive rugs ranging in size, color, and style. Once you find the perfect rug, simply add it to your wish list by inquiring about it.

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Schedule an Appointment at Your Convenience

After you inquire about the rugs you like, you can schedule an appointment by clicking the schedule button on top. Make sure that you include the name you used when inquiring.

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Get Your Rugs Delivered Right to Your Doorstep

Then, just wait patiently for your new rug to be delivered right to your doorstep. We make sure your product is handled with care, and delivered right on time.

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Enjoy the Rugs that Suits Your Space Best

Get comfortable in your space, now complete with a unique rug of your choosing – and don’t be afraid to keep browsing for new styles and color schemes. We’d love to work with you further.

Schedule Now!

*available in TX, LA, MS, AL, GA, FL, NC and SC

Find Your Rug Today

Let us guide you toward picking the perfect rug below!

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Our store

5809 Chimney Rock Rd ste a, Houston, TX 77081

Sunday, Closed
Mon - Fri, 9.30am - 6pm
Saturday, 9am - 1pm

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Our store

764 Miami Circle Suite 100 Atlanta, GA 30324

Sunday, Closed
Mon - Fri, 9.30am - 6pm
Saturday, 9am - 1pm

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